Volunteers’ Week: Celebrating the Heartbeat of Jimmy’s

Volunteers’ Week this year takes place 3- 9 June. As Volunteers’ Week unfolds, we want to take this opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the extraordinary contributions of our dedicated volunteers, whose work often goes unseen.

At Jimmy’s, volunteers are the lifeblood of our organisation, bringing compassion, skills, and dedication. Our volunteers take on numerous roles, from cooking and serving meals, helping on reception, gardening, decorating, helping at events and so much more.

Chief Executive Natasha Davies said:

Jimmy’s has grown and developed with volunteers at the heart of everything we do.  Our volunteers are vital to our ongoing success, caring about and supporting our residents, raising awareness, and raising significant funds for us to continue to provide support and housing to people at risk of sleeping rough in Cambridge. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every one of our volunteers. To those thinking of coming and volunteering with us, please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you!. Happy National Volunteer’s Week!” 

Not only do we love our volunteers but we know they enjoy the time they spend with us too!

Alice volunteer from company ZS said:

“I thoroughly enjoyed volunteering at Jimmy’s. Every person I met was incredibly grateful and kind, which made the experience even more rewarding. Helping out in the kitchen and witnessing even a small effort was truly inspiring”.

The Power of Community

Our volunteers are not just individuals, but part of a larger community dedicated to making a difference. They come from all walks of life, bringing diverse perspectives and skills. This diversity enriches Jimmy’s and enhances our ability to address the multifaceted challenges of homelessness.

During Volunteers’ Week, we also want to acknowledge the collective effort that makes our work possible. From local businesses providing in-kind donations to schools and community groups organising fundraisers, every contribution counts. This spirit of collaboration strengthens our community and amplifies our impact.

Get Involved

As we celebrate Volunteers’ Week, we invite you to visit our website to learn about volunteer opportunities and come and get involved. Whether you have a few hours to spare or can commit to a regular schedule, your time and talents can make a significant difference. Volunteering not only transforms the lives of our residents but also enriches the lives of those who give.