Mental Health Awareness Week

Looking ahead to Mental Health Awareness Week, which is the (13th – 19th May) and this year’s theme is ‘movement’, moving more for our mental health.

79% of people coming into East Road tell us they are struggling with mental ill health. We provide mental health support either directly or through trusted partners. Wherever possible, as part of that support, we promote physical activity, from walks to yoga to in house gym sessions. Read on to find out why this is an important part of the support we offer and why physical activity is good for everyone.

Exercise can be especially important for mental health among people experiencing homelessness for several reasons:

Stress reduction.

Exercise is a natural stress reliever. For individuals facing stressors of homelessness, incorporating regular exercise can provide a much needed outlet and a way to cope with the challenges they face.

Routine and structure:

Homelessness often disrupts daily routines and can lead to a sense of chaos or instability. Engaging in regular exercise can provide structure and routine to one’s day, which can be grounding and empowering. It offers a sense of control and accomplishment, in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Improved Mental Health through activity:

Exercise is not only beneficial for mental health but also for physical health, for individuals experiencing homelessness. There are barriers to accessing healthcare experiencing limited access to nutritious food, exercise achievements can contribute to better overall health outcomes.

Self-Esteem & Empowerment:

Engaging in physical activity can build self-esteem and a sense of empowerment. Achieving fitness goals, improving physical strength and stamina, and experiencing the benefits of regular exercise can foster a sense of pride and confidence. This can be especially valuable for individual’s experiencing homelessness, who may be struggling with feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy. A “small steps” approach can lead to bigger changes in a person’s mental wellbeing.